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September 16, 2022

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Our Favorite Spiritually Uplifting Books
How to Increase Your Wellness Today
Ten Things I Always Have in My Suitcase
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We're Chanda and Paul!

An old hippie and a traveling gypsy introduced by a Yorkie.  United with our mutual love for Adonai, we're here to help you build faith and become your best self.


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We're Paul and Chanda Levy...

An old hippie and a traveling gypsy introduced by a Yorkie. Chanda brings the passion of Luxury Travel, Well-Being, and Eco-Friendly Living , which pairs perfectly with Paul's extensive Journalism experience, and incredible knack for Creative Writing and Storytelling. United with our mutual love for Adonai, we're here to help you build faith and become your best self.

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Let's be clear – this has nothing to do with skinny or fat, being well-to-do, or making ends meet. This has nothing to do with advanced degrees or family pedigrees. This is about true wellness. Total well-being. It’s about you. being. well.

3 Ways to Well-Being No One Talks About

GOSHEN Living! is a faith community and Luxury Lifestyle Collective created to help God’s people Live The GOoD Life…. God’s Way!

  brand and website by Swan haus & Tonic

neshama mama
loka travel
locs & Bagels



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